Goldwing SU26 30cc V4 74" Red and Black Scheme
SU26M 30CC V4 NEW!
WING SPAN:73-1/2" (1870mm)
LENGTH:72-1/2"" (1840mm)
WING AREA:1042sq in (67.2sq dm)
FLYING WEIGHT:9.7-11lbs (4400g-5000g)
GLOW:.91-1.20 (2C) 1.10-1.40 (4C)
GASOLINE:26-38cc gas DLE30 DLE35
Hacker A50-12L with 6S 5000-5800mah 19*10 or 20*10 prop
Hacker A50-14L with 8S 3500-4400mah 18*8 or 19*8 prop
Hacker A60-6XS with 6S 5000-5800mah 20*10 prop
Hacker A60-5S with 8S 4000-5000mah 20-10 prop
Dusky XM6350EA with 8S 4000mAh 18*10 prop
Or other 1800-2000watt electric motor
SERVOS:5-6servos required 80 oz to 160 oz (5-10kg/cm)
Goldwing RC is always keeping the pace with the latest developments in aerobatic flight. The new V4 version of SU26M 30CC has the following Improvements:
1.Control services is larger than V3 version. Up to 60 degrees of throw on all control surfaces. Best for more vibrant aerobatic flight.
2.Packed in strong honeycomb board cartoon. Better protection during transportation.
3.Improved carbon fiber tail wheel assembly, using CNC machined metal parts including aluminum tail wheel hub.
4.Improved wheels with aluminum hub, built with more durable materials, and filled with rubber.
5.Using high quality cap head screws.
6.Spare covering included in the package. Convenient for repair.
7.Improved ball link assembly.
8.Upgraded to carbon fiber control horns.
9. This V4 new design with a longer fuselage moment arm aids the tracking of the model,giving it rock sold precision flight . Making it perfect for modern day flight scheduless for IMAC and Freestyle competitions.
10.Including New KUZA Fuel Tank assembly with aluminum tank cap.