Goldwing Pitts 50cc V4
SU26M 50CC V4
WING SPAN:88" (2235mm)
LENGTH:85-1/2" (2170mm)
WING AREA:1488sq in (96sq dm)
FLYING WEIGHT:16.5-17.8lbs (7500-8100g)
ENGINE:50-70cc gas DLE55 DLE61 DA50 DA60 GP61
Electric Power:
Hacker Q80-8m with 12S 5000mah 24*10 prop
Or other 4000Watt electric motor
ESC: 160A
Servos: 5-6 servos required 180 oz to 330 oz (11-20kg/cm)
JR 8911,Savox 1256