Aeroplus 76" Slick 540 35CC- yellow (1BOX)
76" Slick 540
wingspan= 76" (1930mm)
length= 74" (1879mm)
wing area= 1200 sq. in. (77.4 sqdm)
flying weight= 9.9 - 12lbs (4.5 - 5.5kg)
glow= 120 - 170
gas= 30- 40cc
radio= 4 ch./ 5-6 servos
Carbon fiber: wing tube, tail tube, landing gear, tail gear
Fiber glass servo arms and horn
canister ready tunnel
adjustable push rods
ringed cowl
pre drilled hinges
removable wings, stabs
carbon fiber rods to make the fuse stronger
Recommended Equipment:
Servo Arms:
1x 3" Offset (rudder)
4x 1.5" half arm (ailerons and elevators)
Low Voltage- 4x Savox SC-1251 (ailerons and elevators)
1x Savox SH-1250 (throttle)
1x Savox SA-1256 (rudder)
High Voltage- 3x Savox SV-1250 (elevators and throttle)
3x Savox SV-1270 (ailerons and rudder)
2 x 24" Extensions (Elevator & Rudder)
1 x 18" Extension (Throttle)
2 x 12" Extensions (Ailerons)
2 x 6" Extensions (Ailerons- receiver side)
EME 35 or MVVS 40
Falcon 20x6
Falcon 20x7
Falcon 20x8
Fuel Tank:
Fourtitude 12oz fuel tank