Aeroplus 67" Edge 540 V3 20CC (Volkswagen)
AeroplusName: EDGE 540 V3 20CC
Item No:H-G020001A
WING AREA: 907 SQ IN (58.5 sq dm)
FLYING WEIGHT: 7 - 7.7lbs
ENGINE: Electric brushless motor A50
Li-POLY: 5S 3700 - 4800 mAh
GASOLINE: 20-26cc
RADIO: 4CH/5S or 4CH/4S/1ESC
Carbon Fiber: Wing Tube, Landing Gear, Tail Gear
Fiberglass Servo Arms and Horns
Canister Ready Tunnel
Adjustable Pushrods
Ringed Cowl
Pre Drilled Hinges
Fuselage incorporates carbon fiber rods for extra strength
Edge 540 20cc
I used all the hardware that came with the plane. I added more glue and reinforced the nose area as I do on all my planes. Great flying plane. Now have 5 flights on it. I'm flying the plane with an EVO 20cc engine. The vertical is not unlimited but is more than enough for any maneuvers. Engine is not fully broken in yet so it will only get better. Plane has no bad habits. I don't fly 3D so I can't comment on that area. I would buy the plane again.
Aeroplus 67" Edge 540 vs 20cc
Plane came packed in very heavy cardboard. Each control surface and major items are individually bagged. Hardware is individually grouped in plastic bags, ailerons, tail wheel, wheels, rudder, etc. Non of the covering needs to be ironed as there are no wrinkles. I can't wait to purchase the larger version of this plane. Great value for the money.